Case Study
Activate By Bloglovin

Project Details

Bloglovin’ is a global giant and a leader in the field of Influence Marketing. It caters to more than 16 million users on a monthly basis for the categories of Fashion, Beauty, Home Décor, Beauty Video, Lifestyle, DIY, Food & Drink and many more. Bloglovin’s product Activate helps to bring brands and more than 130,000 influencers across the world onto the same platform to collectively work in the field of Social Media and Influence Marketing.

The ever changing social media market and the way its users approach the internet leads Bloglovin' to have to be on their feet all the time. Bloglovin’ was looking for an IT-and Web partner who could tackle this ever changing environment and work with their onshore team to make sure that the ACTIVATE (formerly known as Sverve) system is constantly updated with changes in the internet world. They were looking for someone who can build as well as maintain Activate.

Activate Project Overview
Activate Case Solution


Mindrops used Agile technology to deliver what Bloglovin’ was looking for. It set up a dedicated on shore and off shore team, working closely for more than 4 years to maintain, upgrade and resolve all the technical issues faced by Activate platform. The technology we developed makes it super simple to collaborate with hundreds or even thousands of influencers on scalable custom content campaigns across social channels, and to manage and measure these campaigns every step of the way.

This Custom Software service offered by Mindrops helped Activate to become a robust system and to work with more then hundred thousand brands, actively catering to their various brand needs. The platform included Fortune 500 companies but also startups and it provided a holistic environment to cater to all their needs , becoming a One Stop solution for influencers as well as brands.

Key Features Solutions and Ideas for your Success

Leverage Activate reach to work on native advertising and influencer marketing campaigns with many of the world’s most renowned brands

Brand selects Influencers based on their reach, engagement audience and Advertiser’s campaign goal

Influencers can only see Activate campaigns they are eligible to apply for.

Activate monitors & tracks audience’s real time activity & provide reports by channel, influencer, readership demographic etc

Influencers can communicate with the brand via Activate messaging service.

Sends campaign related notification to brand or influencer.

Tools & Technologies

  • EclipseEclipse
  • MySQL 5.5MySQL 5.5
  • Apache TomcatApache Tomcat
  • Send GridSend Grid
  • PostmanPostman
  • Digital OceanDigital Ocean
  • PaypalPaypal
  • GithubGithub
  • RedmineRedmine
  • RedmineJIRA
  • SlackSlack
  • Ubuntu 14.04Ubuntu 14.04
  • WindowsWindows
  • Spring CoreSpring Core
  • JavascriptJavascript
  • JQueryJQuery
  • AjaxAjax
  • ReactJsReactJs
  • HighchartHighchart
  • Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics
  • Social Media APISocial Media API

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